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Admissions Consultations in the academic year 2021-22

The Schools Admissions Code states that schools have to submit any changes to admissions policies to public consultation.

As part of this  Gloucestershire Local Authority insists that all schools in Gloucestershire are informed of the consultation.

In accordance with the DfE’s 2014 statutory ‘School Admissions Code’ guidance, a school must consult on their admission arrangements when changes are proposed, and at least once every seven years.

CKIS consulted on our 2022-23 arrangements in December 2020. The consultation period ran from the 30.11.20 until the 12.01.21   The policy was then ratified at the GB meeting on the 26.01.21. 

Please note that our consultation period has ended and the ratified admission arrangements for 2022-23 can now be found on our policies page

Other Consultations


Please find below admission consultation documents from other local schools for your information.