Year 2
Home Learning
We are lucky to have such supportive parents who are keen to help their children in any way they can thank you for your commitment to work in partnership with us at school to support your child’s ongoing learning and development. Please see the link to our curriculum for this term on here. Our termly letter is available to download below. Listed below are the ways we will be asking you to support your child’s learning at home:
- Daily reading: This is essential in developing children’s oracy skills, vocabulary and fluency. The class teacher supervises the reading books taken home, and children can choose extra books from our class library. It is important to encourage children to read a wide variety of different texts including non-fiction and poetry. Books do not have to be returned daily. From this term we will be celebrating our weekly reading champion (those children who have read regularly at home each week and are making accelerated progress) in each class with Mrs James during our Thursday family assembly.
- Phonics revision: The children will have a phonics folder in their book bags which will be added to each week in school. Please ensure that you re-cap the new learning with your child on a weekly basis to secure their understanding and use in both their reading and writing.
- Spellings: The children will be given a list of words to learn to spell each term. For the children to spell these words consistently and independently, they need to practice and repeat them regularly to apply them in their own writing. You will receive more information about this in September.
- Maths: Deliberate practice resources are provided for children to practise (found within Purple Mash 2Dos). Your child will also have continued access to ‘Numbots’ and ‘Purple Mash’. We will also be celebrating our weekly class Numbots Conquerors (the class with the most children who have accessed and completed Numbots challenges each week) during our Friday assembly.
Indigo Class
Mrs Koller and Mr Owens are our teachers and Mrs Nevin, Mrs Moorhouse and Mrs Powling are our Teaching Partners.
Magenta Class
Miss Moss is our teacher and Mrs Luck is our Teaching Partner.
Violet Class
Mrs Hunt and Mrs Fox are our teachers and Mrs Driscoll, Mrs Miller are our Teaching Partners.